Cadet College Admission Result 2014. Cadet College Admission Test Result 2014 in Bangladesh. Cadet College Result will be published by Welcome to the home of “Maker of Leaders, Best and the Brightest”.  The main objective of cadet colleges is to educate young learners for all round development and provide essential elementary military training with a view to grooming them up as the leaders for the future in defense and civil services. There are twelve Cadet Colleges in Bangladesh including three Girls’ Cadet Colleges.

 Help Lines   
Faujdarhat Cadet College 01727005060 Jhenidah Cadet College 01554857296
Mirzapur Cadet College 01772525804 Rajshahi Cadet College 01712101100
Sylhet Cadet College 01751999858 Rangpur Cadet College 01774020999
Barisal Cadet College 01730445567 Pabna Cadet College 01775409924
Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College 01713144850 Comilla Cadet College 01771737428
Feni Girls’ Cadet College 01714279589 Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet College 01772800382

Cadet College Admission 2014 Result

The result of Cadet College Admission Test (Written Exam) – 2014 held on 10 January 2014 is published in attached PDF document along with the detailed instruction for Viva, Medical and Suitability Test.

Cadet College Admission 2014 Result 
Admission test will be held in different cadet college. Admission process is same for all cadet college. 50/55 students can get admission in each college. There are 9 Cadet College for boys and 3 cadet colleges for girls. Students will get admission in the following cadet college: Barisal Cadet College, Comilla Cadet College, Faujdarhat Cadet College, Feni Girls Cadet College, Jhenaidah Cadet College, Joypurhat Girls Cadet College, Mirzapur Cadet College, Mymensingh Girls Cadet College, Rajshahi Cadet College, Rangpur Cadet College, Sylhet Cadet College and Pabna Cadet College. 

In 1733, a cadet school was established in Berlin to train sons of Junker to be officers. But the system of first cadet college was introduced in Germany in the era of Otto Von Bismarck. Napoleon Bonaparte also introduced this provision in France. Military and Royal aristocrats used to send their children/wards to those cadet colleges for education and a career in the Royal Army. The first and foremost aim of those cadet colleges was only to prepare cadets for the defence purpose.

The same system of cadet colleges was adopted by many other European countries like Britain, Spain, Italy and others. In Indian Sub-continent, the system of Cadet College was first adopted in India as Army Cadet College (ACC). The first ACC of India was Kitchener College founded in 1929 at Nowgong, Madhya Pradesh.

After separation in 1947, Pakistan established its first cadet college named Hasan Abdal, in Punjab in 1954. Pakistan established two more cadet colleges but none of those was allocated for East Pakistan.


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